

This is my husband Johnny Depp-♥
What do you think about him?!
Isn't he handsome?
He's very cute, very handsome, very kind, very perfect guy!! omg!!!
Do you believe he 's a 44-year-old guy??
I couldn't believe it when I first noticed it!


Welcome to my BEAUTIFUL BLOG said...

haha EunJeong I already know that you lke Johnny Depp♥
^^*Actually he is really handsome
and I like his walking behavior.
It seems lke he is dancing

I like him too(not as you lke)
I look forward to see his new movie(The pirates of Caribian 3)
It looks like it comes at may
Thanks for your comment~~^^*in my blog Good bye~~(too long?)

New EFL Experience said...

Hi. Eunjung. You will have a fabulous husband. Your blog is fantastic! You are such a genius. I wish your Blog is a precious place for adversetising yourself. Also, this will be a great room for you to express yourself in English. I'd like you to show us your blog during the class on Saturaday. See you then!
From your teacher.

Elizabeth said...

Anya hasao Eungjeong!
I am Elizabeth, a classmate of your teacher Mr. Eungtae Lee. I think your blog is wonderful. Good work!
PS: I think Johnny Depp is great, too.